Happy 5th Birthday my Luna!

On this very day, 5 years ago, I was blessed with the birth of my Luna. I still remember the little cry, so fragile little baby was given to me and I wasn’t sure how life would be from that day on….

Today she helped me make cupcakes for her school party. She’s been talking about being 5 in a lonnnng time! She is so excited about kindergarten, learning how to read and being a real big girl. She still loves pink and collects little furry dogs all over the place (they all have names). She started to recognize small words and to add up numbers. Today she told me we can’t go to Mars or else we wold melt. – “Only aliens can live in Mars mommy!”

She is a very caring person, and I feel so blessed and proud with this wonderful gift God has given me. We are a family and we love each other. The gift of photography makes me register this moments so special in life. In couple of years I wouldn’t be able to remember this angel sleeping, so excited to wake up tomorrow being 5 years old, if it wasn’t this image.

I’m glad for little girls and for my small talent!


We love you very much!

mommy and daddy

